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In LHCb, the general procedure works as follows:

  1. In the MC generation, after Gauss and Boole, Brunel is used to reconstruct events.
  2. During this reconstruction, truth-matching maps for ProtoParticle-MCParticle are also created.

    This only applies to stable particles in the detector.

    An example on truth-matching in Brunel is provided in this TWiki.


    An example of these TES locations for TurboDst can be found at this TWiki.

  3. Reconstructed events and truth-matching maps are stored in the dst files.

  4. When reconstructing events in DaVinci, the truth-matching maps are loaded from the dst file and used to truth-match stable particles.
  5. For composite particles: Each reconstructed final state daughter of the composite Particle has an associated MCParticle, and all these associated MCParticles have the same final MCParticle mother.

LHCb has implemented many truth-matching strategies.


Take a look at the Particle2MC TWiki for an overview on these strategies.


In this implementation, truth-matching are separated into 3 categories:

  1. Neutral particles (both basic and composite)
  2. Basic stable charged particles
  3. Composite charged particles


The code below might be phased out as some of them are not present in master branch of the related projects.

Neutral particles

The truth-matching is done purely with calorimeter info. It is implemented in Calo2MCTool.

The tool returns the MC particle that is best matched to the reconstructed particle.

The MC dst will provide several relation tables for truth-matching. See this TWiki.

Basic stable charged particles

This is done with P2MCPFromProtoP.

It finds the ProtoParticle of the reconstructed Particle. Then use the standard truth-matching table to find the linked MCParticle.

Truth-Matching for RDX run 2

For the run 2 RDX analysis, when postprocessing our MC ntuples, we perform truth-matching mostly copied from Phoebe's code for the run 1 analysis.


Her code for truth-matching can be found in:

  • redoHistos_D0.C+AddD0B_tmp.C (for \(D^0\) sample)
  • redoHistos_Dst.C+AddB.C (for \(D^*\) sample)

in this proc folder from her gitlab run 1 analysis (preservation) code repo.

We implement the truth-matching differently from her in order to work (more understandably) with our workflow; rather than using flags and filling all histograms (templates) all at the same time based on those flags, we truth-match each decay mode (i.e. the MC IDs listed here) separately and store the result as a coded integer truthmatch in our postprocessed ntuples.

Difference between Phoebe's and our truth-matching

  • Phoebe's implementation: An event can be used to fill any, and even multiple, templates, not just templates corresponding to the decay mode (eg. an event for \(B^0 \rightarrow D^* \mu\nu\) MC could pass the truth- matching requirements and thus be filled in for the template corresponding to \(B^0 \rightarrow D^* X_c(\rightarrow \mu\nu X')X\)),

    And indeed I see this happening for a fraction of a percent of all events.

  • Our truth-matching: Takes in the decay mode that the user wants to apply truth- matching to as an input and will only set truthmatch to a corresponding value for that decay mode.

    Additionally, our implementation will never fill in multiple templates with the same event.

To apply our truth-matching when postprocessing ntuples:

  1. Main code is in truth_match.h
  2. In a postprocessing configuration YAML1, add truthmatch integer that is calculated using:

    • MC_TRUTH_MATCH_DST(...) (for \(D^*\) sample)
    • MC_TRUTH_MATCH_D0(...) (for \(D^0\) sample)


    The input parameters for these functions can be found at the bottom of the truth-matching script linked above.

    As already mentioned, one required input is the decay mode ID.

Optional debugging flags for truth-matching

The truth-matching code has some optional debugging flags that can be set if one wants to:

  • not separate \(D^{**}_{(s)}\) cocktails
  • separate \(D^{**}H\) cocktails
  • not separate \(DD\) cocktails

Nominally, for run2 our truthmatch int is separating \(D^{**}_{(s)}\), not separating \(D^{**}H\), and partially separating \(DD\). Without setting these flags, truthmatch is set to encode all information that should be relevant for building the run 2 RDX templates.

Once this is done, the postprocessed ntuples will contain a truthmatch branch that encodes what type of decay the event was successfully truth-matched to, or truthmatch=0 if the event failed to pass the truth-matching requirements. The encoding scheme for truthmatch works as follows: truthmatch=a1b1b2c1c2d1 where

  1. d1=

    • 0 if normalization(-like) (i.e. without \(\tau\))
    • 1 if signal(-like)
  2. c1c2 are two digits referring to the "primary" \(D\) meson (ie. coming from the \(B\)). For \(DD\) decays, this is ambiguous, so c1c2=00. For non-\(DD\) decays, c1c2=:

    • 01 for \(D^0\), 02 for \(D^+\), 03 for \(D^{*0}\), 04 for \(D^{*+}\)

    • 10 for all (light) \(D^{**0}\) (i.e. cocktail not separated, but it's required that the specific \(D^{**}\) is possible [included in the dec file] for the considered decay), or if separated: 11 for \(D_0^{*0}\), 12 for \(D_1^0\), 13 for \(D_1'^0\), 14 for \(D_2^{*0}\)

    • 20 for all (light) \(D^{**+}\), or if separated: 21 for \(D_0^{*+}\), 22 for \(D_1^+\), 23 for \(D_1'^+\), 24 for \(D_2^{*+}\)

    • 30 for all heavy \(D^{**0}_H\) (again, internally required that the decay is possible), or if separated: 31 for \(D(2S)^{*+}\), 32 for \(D(2S)^+\), 33 for \(D(2750)^+\), 34 for \(D(3000)^+\)

    • 40 for all heavy \(D^{**+}_H\), or if separated: 41 for \(D(2S)^{*+}\), 42 for \(D(2S)^+\), 43 for \(D(2750)^+\), 44 for \(D(3000)^+\)

    • 50 for all strange \(D^{**}_s\) (again, internally require the \(D^{**}_s\) is possible), or if separated: 53 for \(D_{1s}'\), 54 for \(D_{2s}^*\) (to keep consistent with \(D^{**}\) scheme; there aren't any "\(D_{0s}^*, D_{1s}\)")

  3. b1b2 are used to (partially, at least for now) separate DD cocktails, equal to

    • 01 for a 2-body \(B\rightarrow D^{(*)}D^{(*)}\), 02 for a 2-body \(B\rightarrow D^{(*)(**)}D^{(*)(**)}_s\)

    • 10 for a 3-body \(B\rightarrow D^{(*)}D^{(*)}K^{(*)}\), 20 for a 3- or 4-body \(B\rightarrow D^{(*)}_sD^{(*)(**)}\pi(\pi)\)

  4. a1=

    • 0 if not a \(D^{**}_H\), \(DD\), or (light) \(D^{**} \rightarrow D^{(*)}\pi\pi\) decay
    • 1 if a \(DD\) decay from a \(B^0\)
    • 2 if a \(DD\) decay from a \(B^+\)
    • 3 if a \(D^{**}_H\) decay where \(D^{**}_H \rightarrow D^* \rightarrow D\) (useful because Phoebe separates this topology from \(D^{**}_H \rightarrow D\) directly in her templates for the \(D^0\) sample)
    • 4 if a \(D^{**}_H\) decay where \(D^{**}_H \rightarrow D\)
    • 5 if a (light) \(D^{**} \rightarrow D^{(*)}\pi\pi\) decay


  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^* \mu\nu\) will be encoded as 000041
  • \(B^- \rightarrow D^{*0} \mu\nu\) as 000031
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^0 \tau\nu\) as 000011
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D_1' \tau\nu\) (no \(2\pi\)) as 000231
  • \(B^+ \rightarrow D_2^*(\rightarrow D^*\pi\pi)\mu\nu\) as 500140
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^{**}_H(\rightarrow D\pi\pi)\mu\nu\) as 400400
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^{*+}D^-(\rightarrow \mu\nu X)\) as 101000
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^{*+}D_s(\rightarrow \tau\nu)\) as 102001
  • \(B^0 \rightarrow D^{0}D^{*-}(\rightarrow \mu\nu X)K^+\) as 110000
  • \(B^+ \rightarrow D^{*-}D_s(\rightarrow \mu\nu X)\pi^+\) as 220000

  1. Recall instructions here for postprocessing.