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Developing this project

Local development of in-house Python packages

We have made several in-house Python packages, for example:

These two packages are included as submodules in this project, so that:

  1. We can pinpoint a specific commit of these packages.
  2. The development of these packages are often related to this project. Including them as submodules makes development easier.

Initializing pyBabyMaker and pyTuplingUtils submodules

After initial clone of this project, these submodules can be initialized with:

git submodule update --init


The git submodule only record the pointer to a commit of each submodule, no actual content is recorded in the mother project.

For example, in lhcb-ntuples-gen, we only record that pyBabyMaker should be at commit a7bb2981. When we do submodule update --init, git will clone the module and checkout said commit.

Local development procedure

  1. cd into the submodule that you want to develop, here we use pyBabyMaker as an example:

    cd lib/python/pyBabyMaker
  2. Checkout the master branch with git checkout master1

  3. Do development, and when you want to test something, go back to lhcb-ntuples-gen project root, and:

    make install-dep

    This will install the latest pyBabyMaker, with your local changes.

  4. Test everything out.

  5. After everything works out:
    1. Commit changes inside the pyBabyMaker directory.
    2. Inside pyBabyMaker directory, push changes to pyBabyMaker remote.
    3. Go back to project root, Update pointer to the pyBabyMaker commit in the mother project.


In the Makefile, we define targets to generate output files and results, such as:

  • Step 2 ntuple
  • Cutflow study tables

However, make rules can be arcane, so if you want to figure out how make would produce a certain target:

make --dry-run --always-make <target_name>


Each analysis can have many workflows. For example RDX run 2 has and in the workflows folder.


In, we have:

JOBS = {
    # Run 2
    'rdx-ntuple-run2-data-oldcut': lambda name: workflow_data(
    'rdx-ntuple-run2-mc-demo': lambda name: workflow_mc(
    # Run 1
    'rdx-ntuple-run1-data': lambda name: workflow_data(
    'ref-rdx-ntuple-run1-data': lambda name: workflow_data(

The actual workflows are defined earlier in the same file.

External programs used by workflows

Greg's \(\mu\) UBDT adder

The name of the program is addUBDTBranch. It's source code, along with its Makefile, is available here.

Let's back track on how it is made available in our lhcb-ntuples-gen environment:

  1. In this project's flake.nix, we have:

    # snippet only
    inputs = {
      nixpkgs = ...;  # software foundation, including compiles, etc.
      MuonBDTPid.url = "github:umd-lhcb/MuonBDTPid";
    outputs = { nixpkgs, MuonBDTPid, ... }:
          pkgs = import nixpkgs {
            # We make packages defined in MuonBDTPid's overlay available
            overlays = [ MuonBDTPid.overlay ];
          devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
            buildInputs = [
              pkgs.addUBDTBranchWrapped  # Install UBDT adder
  2. What we learned is that the UBDT adder is defined in MuonBDTPid's overlay. Let's inspect its content:

    final: prev:
      root5-ubdt = prev.callPackage ./root5 {
        inherit (prev.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Cocoa OpenGL;
        stdenv = if then prev.llvmPackages_5.stdenv else prev.gcc8Stdenv;
      addUBDTBranch = prev.callPackage ./addUBDTBranch {
        root = final.root5-ubdt;
        stdenv = if then prev.llvmPackages_5.stdenv else prev.gcc8Stdenv;
      addUBDTBranchWrapped = prev.writeScriptBin "addUBDTBranch" ''
        unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        unset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
        exec ${final.addUBDTBranch}/bin/addUBDTBranchRun2 $@
    1. Now we see addUBDTBranchWrapped is just a shell script that wraps around the executables in addUBDTBranch.

      The reason is that when you make ROOT available in a devShell, on Linux it will set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, which will mess up with the addUBDTBranch executables. We need to unset it first.

    2. Also, addUBDTBranch has an input called root, which is explicitly set to a patched version of ROOT 5 that contains UBDT.

  3. Finally, the actual derivation (directive on how to compile it with nix) of addUBDTBranch is defined here. It is actually quite simple but we won't go over it here.

  1. This operation is only valid for newer git. Make sure you use an up-to-date git