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Transverse energy \(E_T\)

Transverse energy \(E_T\) is defined as (taken from p. 4 of this paper):

\[ E_T = E \sin\theta = \sqrt{m^2 + p^2} \sin\theta \]

In the massless limit:

\[ E_T \approx \sqrt{p^2} \sin\theta = p_T \]

In TupleToolL0Calo, there's 3 variables that are related to \(E_T\):

  • realET
  • TriggerET
  • TriggerHCALET


For the rest of the article, assume we use TupleToolL0Calo on HCAL.


This is \(E_T\) computed at HCAL:

trackET = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().x(), 2 ) + TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().y(), 2 ) ) /
          TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().x(), 2 ) + TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().y(), 2 ) +
                       TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().z(), 2 ) ) *
          TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( m_part2calo->caloState().p(), 2 ) + TMath::Power( P->measuredMass(), 2 ) );

// ...

test &= tuple->column( prefix + "_L0Calo_HCAL_realET", trackET );

Conceptually, it really is just:

\[ \sqrt{p^2 + m^2} \sin\theta \]

But here both \(p\) and \(m\) are measured, not MC truth. I'm having trouble giving it a good name.


Naively I'd call it tracker \(E_T\), but from the code it is the \(E_T\) at HCAL, and HCAL is not adjacent to a tracker: Before HCAL it is the ECAL, after HCAL Muon stations.

But it really is not MC truth \(E_T\) either, because we are using measuredMass.


Before you proceed

TriggerET and TriggerHCALET are defined in one block:

double triggerET( -1. ), triggerHCALET( -1. ), xtrigger( 0. ), ytrigger( 0. );
if ( m_fillTriggerEt ) { triggerET = getAssociatedCluster( triggerHCALET, xtrigger, ytrigger ); }

// ...

test &= tuple->column( prefix + "_L0Calo_HCAL_TriggerET", triggerET );
test &= tuple->column( prefix + "_L0Calo_HCAL_TriggerHCALET", triggerHCALET );

This is the maximum \(E_T\) measured by the whole detector for all L0 hadron candidates associated with the track. Note that:

  1. For the track, we find the center cell it supposed to hit based on its projectile, as well as the 3x3 neighbor cells, denote it track cells.

  2. For each hadron candidate, we find the HCAL cell it hits as well as the nearby top, right, and top right cells. Here we have a total of 2x2 cells, denote it candidate cells.

  3. Check if there's any overlap between the candidate cells and the track cells. If there is overlap, use this candidate's \(E_T\) as track \(E_T\) if \(E_{T_{cand}} > E_{T_{prev}}\).


    Checking overlap is basically checking whether this L0 hadron candidate is associated with the track.

  4. Repeat this process for all L0 hadron candidates.

// First get the CALO cells in the 3x3 cluster around the track projection
std::vector<LHCb::CaloCellID> cells3x3;

if ( m_part2calo->isValid() ) {  // 'm_part2calo' is the track
const LHCb::CaloCellID centerCell = m_part2calo->caloCellID();
cells3x3.push_back( centerCell );
BOOST_FOREACH ( LHCb::CaloCellID cell, m_caloDe->neighborCells( centerCell ) ) { cells3x3.push_back( cell ); };
std::sort( cells3x3.begin(), cells3x3.end() );

// loop over the L0 candidates
LHCb::L0CaloCandidates* candidates = getIfExists<LHCb::L0CaloCandidates>( m_location );
if ( m_calo == "HCAL" ) typeToCheck = L0DUBase::CaloType::Hadron;

LHCb::L0CaloCandidates::iterator cand;
double                           result = -1.;  // 'result' is TriggerET

for ( cand = candidates->begin(); candidates->end() != cand; ++cand ) {
  LHCb::L0CaloCandidate* theCand = ( *cand );
  if ( theCand->type() == typeToCheck ) {
    LHCb::CaloCellID cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4;
    cell1 = theCand->id();
    cell2 = LHCb::CaloCellID( cell1.calo(), cell1.area(), cell1.row() + 1, cell1.col() );
    cell3 = LHCb::CaloCellID( cell1.calo(), cell1.area(), cell1.row(), cell1.col() + 1 );
    cell4 = LHCb::CaloCellID( cell1.calo(), cell1.area(), cell1.row() + 1, cell1.col() + 1 );
    if ( std::binary_search( cells3x3.begin(), cells3x3.end(), cell1 ) ||
         std::binary_search( cells3x3.begin(), cells3x3.end(), cell2 ) ||
         std::binary_search( cells3x3.begin(), cells3x3.end(), cell3 ) ||
         std::binary_search( cells3x3.begin(), cells3x3.end(), cell4 ) ) {
      if ( theCand->et() > result ) {
        result   = theCand->et();  // This is the key line!

        // ...


This is the maximum \(E_T\) measured by HCAL only for all hadron candidates associated with the track.

The procedure is similar to that of TriggerET, the only difference is: instead of using theCand->et(), we find the associated HCAL cells and readout the ADC values associated with the hadron candidate and convert it to energy.

// Compute the HCAL energy of this cluster

// ...

hcal_energy                              = 0.;  // 'hcal_energy' is TriggerHCALET
const std::vector<LHCb::L0CaloAdc>& adcs = m_adcsHcal->adcs();
for ( std::vector<LHCb::L0CaloAdc>::const_iterator itAdc = adcs.begin(); adcs.end() != itAdc; ++itAdc ) {
  LHCb::CaloCellID id = ( *itAdc ).cellID();
  if ( ( id == cell1 ) || ( id == cell2 ) || ( id == cell3 ) || ( id == cell4 ) )
    hcal_energy += ( *itAdc ).adc();
if ( hcal_energy > 255 ) hcal_energy = 255;
hcal_energy = hcal_energy * ( m_caloDe->L0EtGain() );